Tyler Kenneth Potter
Born Sunday, December 21st, 3:30 am at Mountain Midwifery in a birthing tub
8lb, 5.5oz
21 1/2 inches long
It was an amazing birth. Contractions started at about 4 pm on Saturday, and continued to get stronger, but were manageable. Finally, at about 1:30, they were 5 minutes apart, and then went to 3 minutes apart as soon as I got up. So, off to the midwifery we went. We arrived at 2:30 am. I got in the tub almost immediately, and we all settled in for what we thought would be another 4-6 hours. Our midwife knew better of course, and sure enough, only an hour and a half later, Tyler was born!! Overall, it was a great labor, and Tyler has been a champ eater.
We of course all love him to death, even his big sister. We will continue to post updates and so forth. Here are a few pics though for the meantime.