Friday, August 29, 2008

Home Sweet Pain In The Neck

So, for those of you who do not know.....we are selling our house.

It should hopefully go up on the market on September 2nd or shortly thereafter. In the meantime, we have been madly turning our house upside down trying to get it ready for showings. This included our realtor's mom, who is a professional stager, helping us with tips on staging. That is where the chaos ensues.

Furniture is leaving our house faster than we can snap our fingers. Mulch has been laid in all the gardens, trees are trimmed, the kitchen got a face lift, all rooms are de-personalized and bland like your local Holiday Inn, and things are getting packed so that all shelves and closets are only half full, making it seem that we are selling the house because we have too much room.

It is fun creating this fun "sort of" illusion, but geez, it is a lot of work. Hopefully it is all worth it in the end, and we will not be stuck for months with only half our stuff and in this stressfull state of having a perpetually clean house. (Is this even possible with an 18 month old that can create a mess quicker than you can blink?). Thankfully, we have loved this house a lot, and therefore have already done a lot of improvements to it and so all the stuff is really minor.

Oh yeah, and then we have to find another house to move into. That is within budget, fits our high standards, is with the right schools and in the right neihborhood. And I am due with baby #2 in December, which is also right around all of those big holidays.

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out....