Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Houston, We Have A......Poop!

In the big girl's potty chair that is.

Now, this might not be groundbreaking blog-worthy news to some, but in reality, what really is? And as a stay-at-home mom, my days are numbered with few big milestones, and I have nothing better to do, so, my vote is that this gets blogged.

So, after cleaning up from breakfast, I went into the living room, where Averie immediately stood up and held her nose. (This means either "I went poop," "I tooted," "I am in the midst of pooping," or some similar variation.) Giving her duff a whiff, I realized it was still empty. Grabbing at opportunity, I asked her if she wanted to use her potty. She thinks this is real fun, and has no idea what it is for, so she readily agreed.

I ran out to the garage, grabbed her potty chair, and we sat outside the bathroom. (Her on potty, me on floor.) She "strained" a little, and then got over the novelty of the potty and stood up. I however, not wanting her to give up so quickly, gave her a makeup brush to play with, and as she sat and dabbed at my face, she went poo without a second thought.

After showing her accomplishment, she backed away in disgust, like "Don't get that near me!" and we waved bye bye to the little package as it twirled down the mighty pipe to nowhere. Then, we cleaned her up, did lots of "Big Girl!" and "Good Girl!" shouts and she got a sticker.

Sorry, I forgot to snag a pic. :) Ha ha.

Now if only we can repeat the process sometime. :)


Jessica C said...


Phil Wagner said...

WOHOO! I find myself in being a stay at home wife giving myself pats on the back for the little things I accomplish....at least you have a little one to share the accomplishments with :) Can't wait until those milestones happen in our lives....then again I think I may want our baby to stay a baby forever (minus the diapers!)