Thursday, July 31, 2008

The verdict is in

We are having a .................................BABY!

We went in for the 20 week ultrasound today, and everything looks great for baby#2. He/she was measuring right on target, and has all the necessary parts. We even got a fun glimpse of the little one clasping its hands together and then pulling them apart and doing it over and over. Very cute! In this picture, the baby is looking right at the "camera" with an arm showing below and a fist above, and a big baby belly.

First haircut

This post is coming a little late, but here are some pics of Averie's first haircut. We went to Lollilock's, a cute little salon for kids, complete with a fun boutique with a bunch of fun girly stuff. The hairdresser ended up just doing her bangs since the rest of her hair looked good. She did great, and was very engrossed in her toy, as you can see.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Not too much has happened over the last several weeks, other than lazy summer days, which are always fun. I am now 16 weeks along with bambino #2, and feeling much better these days, thank God!
As you can see, I have still managed to stay pretty small and out of maternity, which I was not expecting, since those in the know say you always start blooming like a whale a lot earlier with #2. I guess I am just choosing to do it gracefully. Or maybe it is my aversion to digging out my maternity aka "trying to make a manatee look good in clothes" wear that is keeping me in my regular clothes as long as my belly can stand it.

Doug is doing well at work, and plugging away like normal. We are planning a trip up to Northglenn with our church to watch fireworks and parachuters for the Fourth of July like we did last year. I am most looking forward to the turkey legs and funnel cakes. (Yes, I did put those as plural....)

Averie is growing like a weed, and will be 1 1/2 here in another month and a half. I cannot believe it. Time flies. Here are some pics of her eating (she has acquired a love of using forks and spoons, and does it quite well, I might add ) and one of her in her little green car that her daddy loves to push her around in.