Friday, July 17, 2009

Tyler Goes Under The Knife

This last Wednesday, Tyler went in for surgery to have the cyst on his eyebrow removed. Since we have gone through this before with Averie, we were not too concerned, though no one likes to have their little one have to go under and all. We were most worried about having to deny him any breastmilk for the 4 hours before surgery. But he ended up doing great, and did not make a peep the whole way to the hospital or while we were doing the preparation for him to go into the operating room. Thank you to those who were praying for that! He was in surgery for a little over an hour, and then slowly came out of it. Other than being a little more fussy than normal, he has been doing great. As you can see, he has a great shiner, and is now the coolest kid on the block with both stitches AND a black eye.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a shiner! He's so tough! Glad he made it through with no problems, though.