Thursday, July 31, 2008

The verdict is in

We are having a .................................BABY!

We went in for the 20 week ultrasound today, and everything looks great for baby#2. He/she was measuring right on target, and has all the necessary parts. We even got a fun glimpse of the little one clasping its hands together and then pulling them apart and doing it over and over. Very cute! In this picture, the baby is looking right at the "camera" with an arm showing below and a fist above, and a big baby belly.


Jessica C said...

Hey, you got one of those "alien" ultrasound pics too. JK, I'm glad that number 2 is doing so well and everything is on track.

Phil Wagner said...

more alien babies....I wonder why I don't have an alien baby! All I got was Spine!!

Craig & Priscilla Coe said...

So glad to hear that you're having a Baby...we were worried. ;) Missed you guys yesterday and happy to hear that everything is going great! Have fun with family this weekend.