Monday, March 24, 2008


Since our church meets on Saturday nights, we dressed Averie up a night early. Of course it had to be cold and snowy, so we had to modify her dress a little with a long-sleeved onesie, but it worked.

On Easter morning, we all went out to breakfast, and then came home for a bit. We then ran some errands and went to the park. Averie loves the slide, and can even do the big ones by herself without us having to hold her all the way down. She loves it.
We got her a swing for the back porch and 2 books, all of which she enjoyed.
Easter night we had some friends over for a pot luck, where we made some marinated pork tenderloin (yum!) and enjoyed some fun conversation.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Almost There!

A ton of progress was made on the bathroom this weekend, meaning we are almost done!! Here are some pictures of the progress made today. Now, we only need caulking and to hang the towel racks and put up the trim. :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Getting Closer.......

Okay, so here are some updated pictures of the bathroom remodel. It has been a week and a half, so not bad. The plumbing is done, new tub is in, tile is up on the wall and laid on the floor, and the walls are texturized. Now, we just need to grout, paint, put the toilet and sink back in, and hang up the new towel fixtures, shelves, etc. Then, we need to clean up the dump that used to be our guest bedroom and bathroom. :)

Man, I cannot wait to have an upstairs toilet again. Those middle of the night trips to the potty get to be long!

And just because she is so cute, here are some new ones of Averie:

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Rub a dub dub, 2 men in a tub

Our bathroom at the start of day one. (Friday)

Our bathroom in the hands of two destructive men and a baby.

And the end of day 1 was through. And it was good.

Then day 2 and 3 came. (Sigh.) Nothing worked right. Some sub-floor had to be replaced because of water damage. The pipe work went in fine with some assistance from a neighbor, but then had to be re-done when the measurments did not work. Then, the tub was assembled and brought into the garage to dry from the snow, only to find that it has a defect and has to be returned. The end of day 2 left it looking almost the same as day 1, and day 3 might be the same.

Hopefully day 3 (today, which is Sunday) will end with a new tub being right in that corner. The plumbing is complete and beautiful, and assuming Lowes has a new tub instock and we can get help with carrying it upstairs, it should not be a problem :) Doug is doing an awesome job though, and making sure it is all done right, so we have no worries that we will absolutely love our bathroom when it is through.
More to come!