Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Averie's first surgery

On Tuesday, January 8th, Averie went into surgery to have a cyst removed on her right brow that she has had since birth. Normally, it would be a in and out surgery with only local anasthesia, but because she is little and cannot hold still, she had to be completely knocked out.

She was happy as a lark the morning of, and because we had scheduled the surgery for 7:30, and she normally wakes at 8:00, she was not too hungry. (A middle of the night feeding also helped.) She made all the nurses smile playing peek a boo with her gown and waving at everyone.

The surgery lasted an hour, and she came out great. Her eye is swollen, and her stitches are covered by steri-strips, but other than that, she looks normal! She was of course a little more groggy than normal coming out, but now, a day later, she is just as normal as can be.

Below are some pictures of her after the surgery at our house. We hope to post some additional pictures from the hospital that are on our phones later.

1 comment:

Craig & Priscilla Coe said...

Awwww...she looks like a little Jessica!