The night before his birthday, we had a small party for Tyler with a few of our friends that have small boys, and as you can see, Tyler had a blast. It was a bit alarming to see how quickly Tyler sucked down his large chunk of cake. And the two additional pieces that followed. Ha ha. He got a lovely book, a Noah's ark with some animals, and a firetruck to ride on from mom and dad. More presents are on there way from the Durango bunch, and then of course Christmas, so he will quickly get the hang of present opening I am sure.
I cannot believe my little man is already one! He is a peanut, so he looks so much littler than a one year old, but his little brain is already ahead of himself, if you ask me. I cannot wait to see him start to stand up on his own and start running. Crazy, I know, but I just cannot wait. :)