Anyhow, on the BIG NEWS front, we are going to have to change the name of this blog soon. Seems that come December, we will be the 4 Potters. (And yes, for those of you teasing about twins, there is just one, so there!) This whole expecting thing came quite unexpectedly, but hey, we are always game for a few surprises. Besides, it made me have to cancel my wisdom teeth removal until next year, so that was a plus!
Here is a 10 week picture of the new invader. For some reason, Averie is not as excited as we are. She just looks at the picture and points at the blob and frowns. I think she is getting a whiff of a future competitor. Little does she know we will love her just as much as we always have. Actually, it is hard to ponder loving another little person as much as we love Averie, but I think that is how God gives us a glimpse of how he can possibly love all of us broken goods here on earth. It just happens.